The party started at 5 pm and continued until 9pm. The store was so busy and everyone had a job to do....we all settled into our jobs quite quickly. Althea ran the register and did fabulously with just a little bit of training. Linda helped cut fabric and assisted Althea as needed. Dee demonstrated software with Al nearby. Jenn and I greeted people at the door and handed out various things - a Sneak Peek flyer, coupons etc. Pat worked as the official photographer and Katie, Nick and Sam even came by for a short time.
3 Weeks later, we have had our first week of classes and have almost gotten all the product out on the floor. We still have a little to finish, but not the amount we have been living under. Fabric seems to keep coming every week.
Al has finished most of the fixtures for the store and installed the coffee maker - yippeee! Coffee! We had our first Dinner and a movie night, but had more fun talking and sewing than watching a movie. The first movie was "Princess Bride" which I chose because it was a movie Pat and I watched when we first dated and I loved the part of the movie when Wesley says to Princess Buttercup (many times)= As you Wish. When I asked Pat what we should call the store, he said "As you Wish". Not quite a sewing machine store name, but certainly the moto!
I haven't had time to post many pictures, but think now would be a great time:
So- Here are a few to catch up!
Our very first serger customer: Margaret and her husband from Wheatland Wyoming drove almost 2 hours to pick up their serger, about a month before the store was open!
Our first 2 classes had fun. Linda teaching an heirloom pincushion:
Candy's class making mitered placemats and napkins was a HIT! So much so, we had to add more sections!
Just a few weeks before, we were still helping Al sand and varnish the tables, shelves, cutting counter and so much more: