Monday, May 23, 2011

Husqvarna Viking Convention Highlights

I really thought I would have time in the evenings to share all the fun from convention.  Was I wrong!  The days were filled with classes and the evenings full of meetings.  By the time we got to our room, we could only crash and get some sleep.  It seemed the pattern all week.  

On the way into Reno, Pat and I stopped in Elko Nevada - Just thought I would show you our bright, sunny reception to Nevada:
The very first dinner meeting, they surprised us all!  We all expected to see the new Designer Diamond Deluxe, but we were not prepared to see how it arrived and who introduced it!  What a surprise!  First came the airplane....

Then the staff bringing all the machines....

 THEN came Sue Hausmann!  What a special treat! Nobody can introduce a new machine like Sue!  She brings excitement and fun to every introduction she does!

The machine is pretty awesome, as all Husqvarna Vikings are!  Many beautiful features and new improvements!
This is the official video that we watched during the introduction:   

 The tension unit was joined by a new unit called the thread portioning unit

The next evening (after a day full of meetings), right after dinner, the marketing forum.  They normally have this meeting in another room, not just after dinner.  So, we presented on stage, on the big screen to most of the attendees.....Guess who the 4th of 5 speakers was?????  Melissa....

I am normally not a nervous wreck when I make a presentation, but Pat was right up front to take pictures and listen to every word I said.  It's a little harder to BS when your spouse is right there.... I made it through the entire presentation, phewwww.

New embroidery collections contain lace and crochet by machine.  Wonderful samples!

Other wonderful quilting in the hoop samples:

Cards in the hoop:

Fancy New monogramming for wonderful projects!

The last night at dinner, I finally had a chance to visit with friends and former colleagues.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Viking Convention....Here we come!

Well, our first day away from the store, kids and animals was fun and exciting!  We started our trip at 6:45 am and within the first hour we experienced a 15 degree drop in temperature, freezing fog and icy road.  Conditions improved dramatically after about an hour.  Most of our travel through Wyoming was a wind storm.  Then came Utah - wind and SALT don't mix.  A couple of hours of strong wind and salt made driving difficult for all.  A few trucks looked as if they would topple over.  A pickup truck pulling a trailer lost it's battle and ended up in the median.  We were really glad to get out of Utah....we could finally see more than 100 feet in front of us.  THEN came Nevada.  Elko Nevada was snowing...and I mean SNOWING!  What next.....

About 9:30pm (Colorado time) we made it to our hotel.  They didn't have our room so they upgraded us.  Bedside tables wrapped in duct tape doesn't sound much like an upgrade.  The rest of the room is wonderful though!

Off to breakfast and looking for a store.....First Target - closed (permanently), second Walmart - closed (permanently)...So, we opt for CVS.  No problem.  Get our stuff and head back to the hotel and what is right in front of the hotel?  A Super Walmart!  Go figure!

We have already met a few people here for convention.  Registration starts at 1pm and then opening at 6pm.  I am sure this will be a fun day seeing many other dealers.

Best news:  NEW software update.  I will tell you all later what it has!  I can't wait!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Where did winter go?

I think winter flew right past the front range of the Rocky mtns and I didn't even notice!  We had a busy couple of months here at the store and I got lost!

We attended our first quilt show - Springtime in the Rockies Shop Hop at the Ranch.  It was fun and we met lots  of new people.  Many of our friends from the shop also attended and stopped to say hello.  It was a wonderful 2 days, but lots of work!  We made lots of samples and kits, but in the end, everyone loved whatever I was demoing!  I think if someone shows you how something works, it makes it SEW much fun!  I got to show all my favorite techniques.  When we ran out of the product, I just grabbed another and kept show and was fun!

Newest news:  I am down 42 pounds, 2 sizes.  Pat took me shopping for pants and another lady in the dressing room said I was just like her - too baggy pants - time to buy new.  So, today I am wearing jeans 2 sizes smaller and they are STILL too big.  Could have gone down one more size!  WOOHOO!  This working in the store every day is really good for me in that respect.  Not enough time to eat anything big!

Next week we leave for Reno - Husqvarna Viking Convention.  I was asked to speak on a marketing panel.  I am supposed to share how we attract customers.  Does being slightly crazy and goofy count?  I think the store is just becoming a regular hang out place for many.  It is wonderful everyone can get together and sew and share like the old days!

Katie is starting our online store.  She is starting us out on and then we will open our own online site. I am looking forward to getting this off the ground.  It will be her very own piece of the business.  Can't wait - many customers are waiting already for Dee's quilt pattern (below)
Made by Dee Workman with Springtime in the Rockies Shop Hop Fabric.  Pattern and embroidery files available from
The Sewing Circle

Nick is working at Sunflower market as a Courtesy Clerk.  I am so glad he is working. He needs the interaction with others.  Katie is still working at the hospital and here at the store.  It is nice to see her every week.  Pat is still trying to keep ahead of the accounting for the store.  Seems like we all are busy, all the time.

Hope everyone is enjoying the spring!

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