Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Today the Story Begins!

Welcome all who have found your way here!

Our journey begins with the "Fellowship of the Circle": Melissa, Patrick, and a handful of friends are madly working and excited to get started.

The Sewing Circle will open early Fall 2010 featuring Quality Sewing and Quilting Products, Quality Service and most of all Quality Experiences! We have begun brainstorming and working towards the day we open the store.

This Blog will chronicle our journey (I watched too many Lord of the Rings this week) and will share our ideas of things to come. If you have ideas for the store, please post at any time and share this blog spot with anyone who might be interested in sharing ideas as well.

Welcome to The Sewing Circle!


  1. Hey this is good! Good luck and really happy you have created this. Hope to read more in the future.

  2. We are so happy for Melissa & Pat.
    The fun has just begun. So looking forward to the doors opening.
    Best to you both.
    Dee & Al

  3. So exciting!! Can't wait to hear more. We love you!

  4. Congrats Melissa & the rest of the "Circle"!! Looking forward to watching your progress. Who knows, maybe someday I'll actually be able to make it out to see the store when it's open!

  5. when do we see the quilts you have done? Love, Mom


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