Friday, April 30, 2010

April Showers bring May Quilts?

April 29th, 2010
Here we are on the eve of May and things are really moving along!
Bank account set up (after interviewing 3 banks), financing under wraps, locations being looked at, fabric and threads arriving, contracts being signed, and best of all BELLA has joined the family!  My daughter Katrina refuses to acknowledge that the beautiful Gammill longarm should have a name even though the GPS has one.  Pat and I were talking about what to name it and he came up with Bella (favorite character in the Twilight series.)  How romantic!

Not much sewing has been getting done, with all the business work that needed doing.  Just a couple of quilt tops.

Another wonderful quilt by Dee.  This one was a strip quilt made with pre-cut strips called Bali-pops.  Take your fat-quarters, stack and whack.....Why do we love that?  Who knows - probably just the fact that we don't have to get too fussy, but rather get to sew and quilt...

Leave it to Al to use a wonderful embroidery stitched on the Designer Diamond (very large) to create this quilt.  What a wonder it will be when it is quilted!
So, here is the first improvement to the basement, in preparation to having the long-arm (Bella) installed down there.  Bella will move to the store when we get ready to open, however, we have lots of learning to do and lots of practicing to do also!  Therefor, the bathroom is VERY necessary!
The guys did a wonderful job didn't they!  Al and Pat worked for almost 4 weeks so that we would have that convenience!
Isn't it cute!  Door and all!

Now for the fun stuff! Bella arrives and is set up by Steve and Richard from Tomorrow's Heirlooms in Denver. Steve took a minute to smile at his progress!
They took out two windows in the basement just to get it in. It took them the better part of 8 hours to get it set up. We had a little training and then they came back 3 days later for more training.  Richard is working on the rails.

14 ft long by about 5 ft wide!

Handles on the front and the back, no matter what my mood.
Now, for the fabric and threads that are arriving.....just a few so we can make some samples, not even the exciting ones yet.....

Maybe a few pics tomorrow of some sample quilting....if I can sleep tonight!

1 comment:

  1. i don't know that basement. It looks so neat and picked up. any more progress on the quilts? Love, Mom


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