Saturday, May 1, 2010

Learning to quilt with Friends!

I ran out of space in the last blog to share a little about the learning we are all doing on Bella.  I have been working through the training manual and Dee has started watching the videos.  We have so much to learn.  So, the day Bella was set up, we were ready for some training.  Unfortunately it took longer to set it up than Steve was used to.  So, we got just a little bit of training.  Best part is that many of my friends can learn with me.....all The Sewing Circle folks and a few that have some experience already.  Bonnie Colona lives in Denver now and has the same machine, so she came to join in the initial training and is a great resource when I get stuck...She is awesome.

Bonnie is training me how to load the fabric and baste them together (we are "floating" the top 2 layers.)

Pat thinks I make funny faces when I am quilting.  Probably true, but certainly fun!
Bonnie was wonderful helping learn, she even had time to rest...

So, I am off today to get  Bella working - might even put on a real quilt....

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